How to Recover From a Cheat Meal

When women join the Strong Healthy Woman family, we educate endlessly on the importance of progressing into a healthiER lifestyle.

Trying to overhaul everything all at once leads to CRASHING —> then CHEATING!

The goal is to live by the “moderate 80/2o rule” of a healthy living, eating and playing BALANCE. If you plan out your diet well (just like how we show you in the 26 Day Slimdown Challenge starting Monday 9/10) there is no reason why you can’t enjoy a cheat meal once in a while!!

Emphasis on cheat MEAL, not cheat DAY BTW.

The most current research out there is showing that those who PLAN TO EAT a cheat meal each week are more likely to stick to their healthy eating lifestyle, maintain or lose more weight and are HAPPIER about doing it!
Happiness = motivation = CONSISTENCY = RESULTS!

Weight gain kicks in when you consume UNPLANNED cheat meals on too many days in short succession.

So whether you ate a gluttonous meal  that was pre-planned or you found yourself way off-the-wagon shoulder deep in take out, there certainly are tricks of the trade that successfully healthy people employ to help them recover quickly and get right back on track without disastrous consequences!

ONE “bad” meal will not cause weight gain. It’s scientifically impossible! Meal after meal, day after day of poor choices certainly will sabotage even your most HARD CORE workouts!  (I.E. you can’t out-train a poor diet!) Stop the “I already ate this, I might as well keep going” rhetoric and get right back into eating healthy at your next meal!

Flush out the processed carb, high sugar, high fat foods from your system with nutrient dense, GREEN and colorful veggies that act as scrub brushes for your intestines! High fiber is the goal here people! Eating this way helps make up for the excess of bad calories you consumed by creating a positive balance between the 2 days.

Most people run straight to the elliptical for 60 mins or more to undue the damage.  In terms of efficacy, AFTER BURN and calorie consumption, you will make better use of your workout time by doing resistance training.

The set back is behind you now. Most people give up too soon because they wrongfully feel all is lost and they are now on the path to gaining all the weight back just from this one minor set back!

Instead, put your energy into figuring out what sent you into binge-mode in the 1st place. Stress? Emotions run a muck? Boredum? Once armed with this knowledge, you can then reduce your chances of cheating again. Left unchecked, the” good-bad, black-white, weight loss-gain” cycle will be inevitable!

Get step by step help, unparalleled motivation & support, hard core boot camp workouts and SO Much more with Strong Healthy Woman’s 26 Day Slimdown Challenge! Hey, it’s just 26 days!

Laura Miranda MSPT, CSCS

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