Category Archives: Uncategorized

26 Day Slimdown Challenge 9/10


9/10/12 –10/5/12 Strong Healthy Woman Boot Camp challenges the women of NYC and Long Island to drop the fat…for good!!

9am Tues/Thurs or 5:30am M/W/F in Battery Park City, NYC
5:30am M/W/F in Oceanside Long Island!




How Atheletes Use The Foam Roller

The 6 WORST WORDS any doctor can say to you: “You have to stop working out.”

I’ve seen it so many times – small muscle aches and occasional joint pains when ignored can fester and blow up into HUGE injures that sideline you from MONTHS of favorite workout routine!

Injury –> no exercise –> weight gain —> decreased motivation –> HELL!

That’s why just filmed this quick video to show you the BEST and easiest way to stay pain-free AND to help eliminate pain once it starts (knee, lower back, hip.) It’s my friend, and yours, the foam roller.

If you want to consider yourself an even half-way serious athlete, you need to be doing this after each workout!

9am Battery Park NYC BOOT CAMP starts 9/11!
Tues/Thurs 9/11 – 10/4  9-10am!

The contest is still on! Win a FREE MONTH in boot camp for you and a friend!

9am Battery Park Boot Camp is BACK

We are officially relaunching our 9am boot camp in Battery Park, NYC!

Starting Tuesday 9/11!

Class is Tues/Thurs 9-10am in Battery Park NYC.
We are also starting it off with a BANG     >>>>>an end of summer Downtown Slimdown Contest! (more details to come)

Sign up here:

Workouts for Pregnant Moms

Women in Battery Park NYC’s Strong healthy Woman BOOT CAMP have defied the common misconception… that you can’t work out and stay in shape while you are pregnant!

UPDATE: New recommendations from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists allow a pregnant woman to do moderate, strenuous exercise as long as she could hold a conversation!

Check out my hard-core soon to be mom in NYC BOOT CAMP at almost 8 months pregnant!

ARM and Ab Workout On The Swings

It’s time that I showed you how to get a SERIOUS workout for your arms and core…on a swing set.

I am already out of breath just demonstrating a few reps!

This is a serious core and arm workout that you can use tonight on any swing set, my fierce women warriors.

You don’t need fancy schmancey equipment, heck, you don’t even need a gym!

BEST WAY TO GET CUT ARMS: In order to SEE a change in the way your muscles look, you MUST constantly provide a different type of challenge that your body is not expecting.

I.E. change it up, or stay right where you are.

1) It’s fun. Who doesn’t like to have fun.
2) You’ll really look like you know what you are doing if you do this workout. (Tell ’em Laura Miranda sent ya’.)
3) Its FREE and natural and outdoorsey; body weight only workouts rock!

These “Fun Friday Workouts”, as I call them in my boot camps, are a break form the norm. Get your butt out of the gym becuase it’s still summer and there is STILL time to get those arms in shape woman!

Training Call with Life Coach Vasavi Kumar 7/17

How to Put Down The Sh*$ That’s Holding You Back in Fitness, Career & Life success!

LIVE teleconference with BODY Transformation Expert, LAURA MIRANDA AND my acclaimed guest…Life and Transformation Coach, VASAVI KUMAR!!

Nothing will be held back! We won’t be sugar coating this!

FREE to the 1st 30 to register!



 .      .

Vasavi will help you get UNSTUCK and discover the fundamental things holding you back from weight loss, fitness, and life success!

She’ll introduce new ways of thinking and processing your day to day life instead of telling you what you should be doing or what you’re doing wrong (because you kind of know that part already anyway.)

Learn to use basic daily action steps that foster easy accountability and tangible progress!


READ JUST HOW this Teleconference wiht Vasavi Kumar and Laura Miranda can change you….

Summer Slimdown Boot Camp Begins

rapid fat loss program

It’s a rainy NYC afternoon but the good news is that a) running the rain makes me feel like Rocky so I just crushed a slick 5 miles yeaaaaa  and 2) next week is supposed to be beautiful! (especially at 5:30am!

Why is that important?

Because Tuesday 5/29/12 marks the start of the SUMMER EDITION of STRONG HEALTHY WOMAN rapid fat loss Boot Camp!

WHERE: Outdoors in Battery Park, NYC or Oceanside, Long Island
WHEN: 5:30-6:30am M/W/F, 1 Month, 12 Workouts
WHAT: Results driven body transformation program, nutrition & lifestyle accountability & consistency education overhaul!
All levels of women that want a CHANGE, a KICK (in the pants) START, & a ridiculously FUN and POWERFUL way to get your arms/abs/thighs and mind ready summer!
WHY: It’s time to become THE BEST POSSIBLE version of yourself!

The proof is in the #s!

Last session the warrior-women of Battery Park lost a total of 114 Lbs and Oceanside dropped a stunning 111!

Strong Healthy Woman Boot Camp has kept the leading boot camp spot in lower Manhattan and Long Island with the highest # of participants for the last 4 years because we get RESULTS!

NO restrictive diets or cleanses. No stone faced trainers who scare you with torture.

YES Crazy motivation from empowered strong women, nutrition & lifestyle overhaul, 24 hour accountability and consistency education all serving up rapid RESULTS to finally shut down the self sabotage and pick up SUCCESSSSS!!!

summer ready body



or Read>>>

“I learned more about eating than I have in my life and I now think about what I am eating and the combinations of foods as well.
I did want to tell you however, since I have started boot camp, I went from a SIZE 12 pant to an 8 and can be comfortable in medium shirts versus the large that I was wearing.  Overall since the beginning I lost 10 lbs. but more important I can run 3 – 5 miles in a clip and recently ran a 8:45 mile which I am proud of.  Thank you for all types of success’s that you have given us.”
Jodi F — Dedicated Oceanside Boot Camper

“Thank you for holding the challenge this month. It pushed me to finally make the changes I needed to make in my eating habits. The time limit made me feel motivated. I had a goal and was able to do this plan for 26 days. This was a win win situation for me. I lost 9 pounds, and my clothes fit better. I am now motivated to continue on this plan. I started during the challenge working out every day. I used to just work out on weekends and at Boot camp. Thank you again!”
Mary K — Dedicated Oceanside Boot Camper

“Thanks so much for all of the meals, journals, motivating emails and for helping us along the entire way. I can’t tell you how “strong and healthy I feel right now!”
Leanne C– Dedicated Oceanside Boot Camper

“Thank you for this!  I always enjoy your supportive and encouraging emails, coaching calls and  wicked workouts!  Good news is I’m 10 lbs lighter than this time last year and have maintained this weight for over 7 months with you.  I’d like how I’ve tightened up and dropped a few more lbs for summer and certainly appreciate the track you got me on!”
Mary J– Dedicated Battery Park Boot Camper


Saturday Boot Camp NYC

KICK START your weekend with an insane total body, fat incinerating workout with Strong Healthy Woman boot camp!

We invite you share this insane workout with your mom or any woman in your life that you love and want to give the gift of health and a hot body!

Part of the proceeds from Saturday’s class is going to W.I.N. Women In Need, INC; a charity that helps supportive care to homeless women and their children in NYC.

**I’ve opened just 25 spots for this exclusive class and 13 are already filled as of this posting! Don’t wait! Click “sign up” and secure your spot!

Our regular weekday boot camp class is at 5:30am and the sun is usually just coming up at that time. You get to take advantage of this Special Saturday Boot Camp to celebrate being a Strong Healthy Women without having to drag your butt out of bed at the crack of dawn!

See you Saturday!
Secure your spot>>>>

The Body Transformation Engineer,

Laura Miranda MSPT, CSCS

BOOT CAMP NYC: Downtown Winter Slimdown (for charity)

Part of the proceeds from this weekends workout goes to support the women’s charity Dress For Success !

Kick off your weekend on a healthy foot, get an insane workout with Laura Miranda and score some serious swag just for attending! (TONS of free stuff for all who show up!)

REGISTER HERE>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don’t wait, we are capping off the class at 25 people!

Virtual Training Club $1

Our most comprehensive at home fitness and weight loss program to date!

GET our 14 day Trial for 1 BUCK!


Sleep, Sex and your Stomach

Think you already know the formula for getting in shape fast?

Eat clean, work out every day, and avoid the bad stuff, right?  Think again.  If you are having trouble keeping off the lbs or you just hit a plateau in your workout routine, then you will want to wake up and listen up.

SHW Boot Camp in NYC & LI starts at 5:30am, just before sunrise. So the ladies and I know a thing or 2 about the importance of getting our beauty sleep.  (*Next outdoor session starts Monday 5/31!)


Lemme break it down – the most recent research has revealed something that will hurt more than the sound of your ear piercing alarm did this morning: adequate rest plays an important role in your ability to (or not to) shed extra pounds.  

Does sleep deprivation cause you to gain weight? WAKE UP! The answer is Yes!

Sound familiar?  Slug down 3 Ventis, stay late at work, pick up some fried & processed nibblybits on the way home, pass out with the crumbs on your chest/blackberry in hand/TV blaring. Wake up exhausted aaaaand repeat.

Most people are unaware of the implications that not getting enough sleep has on your health.

Besides helping you STORE fat around the middle, lack of sleep decreases libido and overall desire for sex. Chronic sleep loss makes you irritable and anxious, ages your skin faster, decreases concentration, and  increases stress levels. Simply put, when you are sleepy your threshold to deal with life is lowered, making you more likely to become sick and tired of being sick and tired.

So how are your WEIGHT LOSS efforts Effected by lack of sleep?

a) When you are tired it can be all the more difficult to make healthy decisions. The gym takes a back seat and you tend to seek out comfort food or alcohol to fill the sleep-void. Endless dirty cycle!

b) Since the positive effects of exercise are actually processed DURING REST and not on the actual gym floor or treadmill itself. Without adequate rest, a lot of your hard muscle burning work is going to waste.

c) 2 important hormones are negatively effected. Ghrelin INCREASES (hormone that lets our body know when it’s feeling hungry.) Leptin DECREASES (hormone that tells the brain when it should stop eating.) This results in your body frequently craving high carb foods and not feeling full once you’ve scarffed down every highly processed  morsel in sight.  (IE – hell on earth.)

Here are SHW Boot camp’s HOT tips for a good night’s sleep (And sure fire way to a healthier lifestyle)

Most research says 7 hours is the optimal range to reep the benefits of a healthy recovery and restorative night’s sleep.  Getting to bed earlier at night (rather than sleeping later) to log your 7 hours is the most effective strategy. (Therefore sleeping-in to make up for a 2 am bed time will not yield the same results, even if it is 7 hours.)

1. Don’t watch TV before tucking yourself in. Often people will tell me they “cant get to bed earlier than 12am” but when pressed, they admit that about 2 hours of that time is actually spent in front of mindless TV. Try reading a book or talking to your boyfriend. Wind down by quietly reviewing your day and invasion ways that you can improve yourself for tomorrow.

2. Exercise on a regular schedule. Leaving a workout until you can “find the time” will NEVER happen. Schedule your workouts like any other important meeting on your calendar.  Hook up with a friend for a run, join a group of fitness freaks ( or hire a trainer lock you into a routine.

3. Keep a pen and pad bedside to jot down racing thoughts. Difficulty sleeping because of a racing mind playing out past, present and future events can easily keep you up for hours. Getting stressful to-do’s or important items you need to remember out of your head and on to the paper will quickly quite down a noisy mind and allow you to relax.

4. Shut Down work and all electronic devices well before going to sleep. High anxiety levels and a racing mind before bed will continue for hours once your head hits the pillow. Stop all work activities & social networks at least 2 hours before going to sleep and replace that with reading, meditating or other soothing activities.

5. Prioritize your next day To-Do list before leaving work for the night. Being able to hit the ground running 1st thing in the morning with a solid plan of action will limit time spent lolly gagging around deciding on what to do next and will limit the amount of anxiety or stress about the day to come. START with the most difficult task 1st and leave the busy work – emails/phone calls/paper work to the end.

Now, I am off to bed!
Your Fun Fanatical Fitness Expert,

Laura Miranda, MsPT, CSCS
Fat Loss Boot Camps & Personal Training (NYC & LI)

Boot Camp in NYC & LI: Get in, get fit, get HOT!

Cheat to Lose (weight)

Long Term Success Strategy:

SCHEDULE a CHEAT MEAL 1x/week. (Yep, eat ANYTHING you want but always mind portions.)

This strategy keeps you motivated to stick a clean eating plan, it CURBS CRAVINGS and is the best long term strategy for a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE rather than short term crash-diet DOOMED for failure.

Now go out there and rock this week! Think of me this weekend while enjoying your cheat meal!

Your FUN Fanatical Fitness Expert,
Laura Miranda MsPT, CSCS