Tag Archives: sexy arm exercises

How to Get: Toned, Sexy, Summer-Arms (Video)


Slip out of the sweater! Throw those thermals to the back of the closet! Hell, go topless if you really want to…summer is here! Ok, fine, it’s still only April but 87 degrees and humid sure says tank-top flip-flop to me.

If you’re like most of us, the long cold winter has been “all brunch” and no crunch. Let’s face it, sometimes there really is NO motivation to look hot, toned and sexy when you’re always covered in 3 layers and a winter jacket.

Well lady, it’s time once again to re-reveal those flaps/chicken wings/school teacher arms. If this has snuck up on you faster than TAX DAY (today BTW), then watch Strong-Healthy-Woman’s HOT 4 EXERCISES to go flab to fab in no time.

WARNING: It’s my TOP SECRET method of combining the exercises that allows you to spend less time in the gym and more time on the beach showing off.   (This technique has been proven massively effective for the hot ladies in all 5 of my boot camps.)


DISCLAIMER: Since there is no way to SPOT REDUCE FAT, meaning that doing crunches won’t make  abs flatter, leg lifts wont make saddle bags disappear, 1000’s of repetitions of the above exercises WON’T make your arms magically take up less space in your shirt.

The actual arm exercises are just a small piece of the puzzle. In order to drop the pesky fat  that lies atop your sleek muscle, YOU MUST FOLLOW THESE RULES. (SUCK ON THAT, “Shake Weight”)

1) Perform targeted strengthening exercises in conjunction with:
2) Heart-pounding cardio vascular activity  varied 3 or more days a week. (Sorry, READING a mag while doing the elliptical DOES NOT COUNT!)
3) Clean up your diet by adding in foods that are unprocessed and unpacked; consume lean meats and tons of fruits and veggies. Eliminate fast-food on-the-go bars/shakes, juice & soda, and MOST IMPORTANTLY control those portion sizes.

Whether you’re a bride-to-be in my bridal boot camp who’s in need of sexy “dress arms” OR, you’re just like  ANY OTHER woman on earth who wants to wear a tank this summer without embarrassment, then consider the above 3 tips your new bible. Live them, love them – word for word!

WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE ARM EXERCISES? Leave me a comment and let me know!

Your Chief Body Transformation Expert,

Laura Miranda MsPT, CSCS