Category Archives: "Quick Results" Exercises

Dynamic Warm Up for Runners (video)

(Because you train like an athlete, you need to warm up like one too!)

Being in the fitness industry as long as I have, I can tell you that I have witnessed it ALL!

From “Shake weight” to “diet in a bottle” to now “fitness bread.”  I swear to god I took a pic of this last night in the grocery store!

But beyond all of those crimes of humanity, the one that KILLS me most often is what I see crappy trainers out there in gyms and boot camps making their clients STRETCH 1st thing BEFORE the workout.

Seriously???!?! This old school, very dangerous and plain ole crappy fitness ‘ish keeps me up at night!

So listen up trainers and fitness junkies alike: the newest performance based science out there is on Dynamic Stretching.


And DON’T let me EVER see you static stretching cold before a workout AGAIN!


Laura Miranda MSPT, CSCS
Miranda Fitness Concepts, INC

Prevent Saddle Bags and Knee Pain (video)

Learn how to avoid (and treat!) knee pain to workout longer & harder so you can see greater results in your weight loss and fitness program!

BREAKING NEWS:  These are conditioning exercises designed to train your legs and core to  perform better; they are not just random exercises picked to make you sore and burn calories. HOWEVER…sore muscles and calorie incineration are definitely going to be side-effects that you can’t avoid!! : )

I’m a “Technique Geek”, just ask any of my patients or clients. Proper form helps ward off the dreaded knee pain that can sideline you from your workouts and therefore sabotage all efforts to lose weight and get in shape!

Be a “Technique Geek.”

The longer your stay pain and injury free, the greater your ability to start, continue and ROCK your daily  fitness and weight loss goals! (Bad knees = sedentary lifestyle = worse knees.)

My Miniband Exercises that both prevent and treat knee pain AND saddle bags:

  • Miniband Squats
  • Single Leg Balance Taps
  • Miniband Side Shuffles

HOW MANY: The only # of reps that are allowed to do are the ones you can do with proper form. With that said, try 3 sets of 10 of each 🙂

DISCLAIMER: While the syndromes mentioned (Patellar tendonitis, IT Band Syndrome and Meniscal Tears) can and do have other causes than poor alignment, it is imperative to seek advice from a Licensed Physical Therapist (not a personal trainer) or talk to your Medical Doctor for treatment specific to your condition.


Your Body Transformation Engineer,

Laura Miranda MSPT, CSCS
Miranda Fitness Concepts, INC

Cardio AB-Attack (video)

CRUNCHES ARE DEAD. It’s time to shift away from older-than-old-school crunches & sit ups.

Enter my SMART dynamic core moves that will cause you to simultaneously feel the intense burn in your abs all while working your arms, legs & lower back! Yep, I invented a “total body ab workout”, Hollywood style.  Have at it>>>


Remember my golden rules for getting/keeping a FLAT STOMACH:
1) Abs are made in the kitchen (not in the gym.) It’s science. So get a little more focused on clean eating and your workouts will really start to SHOW.
2) Think about training your stomach in terms of your CORE instead of “abs.”
3) Your “CORE” is made of your midsection musculature, your lower back complex AND your glutes (butt muscles.) Train smart; don’t forget about the muscles you CAN’T see.
4) If you eat clean and train consistently with mindfulness on resistance training AND cardio, a flat stomach will be a secondary bonus of this highly focused healthy LIFESTYLE!!

Sign up for Strong Healthy Woman’s 26 Day Spring Slimdown Challenge and get your body SUMMER READY!!  It starts Monday! Hey, it’s just 26 days…

Your Fanatical Fitness Freak,

Laura Miranda MSPT, CSCS

26 Day Spring Slimdown Challenge

The biggest “loser” WINS! What do you have to lose besides unwanted pounds?!

This Spring Slimdown Challenge is for you if you’ve been on the fence about signing up, need a total weight loss KICK START or you just want to work your butt off for a summer-ready body while scoring some serious cash and prizes!

READ MORE ABOUT IT (and find out the prizes) >>>>>






Type “A” Workout (video)

Exercising, working and living at full throttle is how I go through life. Check me out doing just that on a beach in Jamaica recently at my sister Jenna’s wedding. (That’s a 25 lb rock BTW.)

I’ve  always believed in the philosophy of “why WOULDN’T you want to constantly push beyond your preconceived (& self imposed) limits and see what happens?!”

Luckily this is also the philosophy I’ve implemented in my boot camps in NYC & Long Island at our early morning fitness programs.     R-E-S-U-L-T-S come when you are willing to worrrrkkk! (Next session starts THIS Monday! Spring is HERE! Aaawooo!)

The video below called The TYPE “A” Workout shows you how to burn the most calories in the shortest amount of time by MULTITASKING the hell out of your body with specifically designed moves.

TYPE A WORKOUTS accomplish what every busy women needs and wants: — MORE effective exercises to get you looking HOT in all the right areas, boredom-busting super-fun moves,  all achieved in less time so you can get back to the 9000 other things you have to do today!

This workout is a reminder that you can always push it to that next level  and go after the results you crave.  Like this workout and in the market for RESULTS?

STRONG HEALTHY WOMAN BOOT CAMP starts up outdoors again Monday 3/19 ====>

  • 3 Outdoor Workouts M/W/F 530am-6:30am
  • Custom Food Journal to track success
  • SHW week long Meal Plan 
  • Accountability & Consistency emails 
    **NEW 2012 Added Bonuses**
  • Weekly live Rapid Results Coaching Call with me!
  • Strategy Session with Nutrition Counselor Rebecca Sadek
  • Recipe Co-Op with shared fast & easy results proven recipes

If you can’t make it to our boot camps in  Battery Park or Oceanside, get the next best thing: SHW Virtual Training Club!   You get all of the above benefits but you can do them in your HOME, PARK or GYM!

Your Fanatical Fitness Freak,

Laura Miranda MSPT, CSCS

3 Common Mistakes Runners Make (plus fixes)

How they PREVENT progress and how to fix them!

Alright, whether you’re a total treadmill junkie, an occasional outdoor enthusiast or a marathon warrior…you’ll need to listen up.

As a sports Physical Therapist and personal trainer to women for just about my entire 17 year career in this industry,  its time I pulled down the curtain and revealed the insider secrets that will help you get to the next level…

without really doing are more running than you already are right now!

That’s not what you expected to her was it?

RUN LESS  to increase your speed, lose more weight, stay injury free and recover faster!

A fitness dream come true? OH HELL YEA it is!

Here’s the 4 cardinal mistakes to avoid: (I’ve also included some quick fixes for each in order to achieve the most bang or your buck on your ON and OFF days!)

Mistake #1-  Avoiding Strength Training (cross training)
Lack of appropriate hip and core strength leads to some of the most common injuries that side line most runners – ITBand syndrome, patella femoral pain, and all kinds of tendonitis. Cross training with weights also builds serious leg/core/arm strength which helps you run faster, longer, and recover  more efficiently.
2-3 times per week include a total body SMART resistance training workout like this one: Jump Squats, Step Ups, Single Leg Dead Lifts.  3 sets of 12 reps each. Add dumbbells as you progress.

Mistake #2 – No Tempo/Speed Training
The quickest way to reach a training/weight loss plateau is to run the same way every day, every week, every month. Getting too comfy with the same running speed allows your body to become super efficient and therefore you BURN LESS CALORIES.  Training with speed – short bursts of increased pace via hills, sprints, or stairs increases your efficiency and endurance when you’re actually out on longer runs. Don’t waste valuable time ONLY on steady state/long runs,  I.E. Run SMARTER, not harder!
=====>QUICK FIX:
Make yourself uncomfy 1 time a week, do a shorter workout that includes speed training like this:
a) SPRINT at your fastest pace for 20 seconds, recovery jog for 40 seconds. 5x
b) STAIRS 1 flight at your fastest pace, recovery jog on flat land 1 minute. 5x
c) HILL REPEATS  run up the hill at a moderate pace (faster than a jog), jog slowly down to the bottom. 5x

Mistake #3 – Inadequate Amount of Recovery Body Work
The main negative effect of running is the excessive tightening of muscles; this leads to all kinds of imbalances which lead to poor running form which leads to overuse injuries, among other things. Consistent flexibility and deep tissue work helps runners avoid the most common injuries – shin splints, knee pain, tendonitis, and ITB syndrome, to name a few.
=====>QUICK FIX: Get a hold of these 3 tools and you can take care of most if the damage yourself! Every runner must have:
a) The Stick: small rolling-pin for muscles. Calves/Quads/ITB 1 min x 3 sets each.
b) Foam Roller: large rolling-pin for muscles. Quads/Glutes/ITB 1 min x 3 sets each.
c) Stretching Strap:
to assist in post workout static stretches.  Hamstrings, TFL, GLUTES  5 x 30 seconds each!


Thanks for reading!
Laura Miranda MSPT, CSCS

Don’t miss this weekends boot camp class to raise money for the women’s charity Dress For Success!

PreTurkey Workout (video)

If I see one more list on “how not to eat too much this Thanksgiving”  I might just rebel and eat too much this Thanksgiving!

So to spice it up I whipped up this quick no-nonsense workout for you!

Knock out this SICK 10 min workout BEFORE the eating marathon begins or, use it as a RE-TOX.

[Re-tox is a word I invented to describe taking extra care of yourself the day after eating a big feast of less than desirable food, consuming way too many sugary/alcoholic drinks or just plain old familial overload! ]

3 sets of each for 1 minute:

Bad Ass Burpee
Jumping Jack Squats
Bear Crawl Foot Taps

THANK YOU for being a loyal! Happy Thanksgiving!

PS – Look out for the SUPER BLACK FRIDAY EMAIL to come out bright and early Friday morning!

Your Fun, Fanatical, Fitness Expert,

Laura Miranda MSPT, CSCS

Wicked Wednesday Workout (FREE DOWNLOAD)

Oh yes, it’s Wednesday. If you are in any of my boot camps in Long Island or NYC, you know that it means today is WICKED WEDNESDAY! (We theme our workouts becuase, well, it’s just more fun that way!)

Since I’m in a great mood today, I thought I would share today’s workout with the masses. 

This workout is a sample of just some of the kick ass content you will receive as part of the new SHW Virtual Training Club.  It is a way to slim down all on “your time” in your home, gym, or outdoors. (No 5:30am boot camp required:)

So get your copy of today’s workout, and look out for a super secret email on Friday about how to get into the rapid fat loss club for only a buck ($1).

DOWNLOAD HERE —–> Wicked Wednesday Workout

Enjoy the workout girls!  Try to undo some of that damage from the Halloween candy. Read this article I just wrote about Halloween and how to cheat on your diet (to lose weight.)

Your Fun Fanatical Fitness Expert ,

Laura Miranda MSPT, CSCS

The Park As Your Gym (video)

5 Minute ANYWHERE Workout

I was away in the Hamptons this past weekend and instead of skipping my daily workout, I figured out a way to stick with the plan.

In this video, find out how to ROCK that summer body whether you are on vacation, away for work or just sick of the being inside the 4 walls of the gym (booo!)

Leave me a comment of below this box with your fav workouts to do in the park.

BE INSPIRED to kick some serious butt by using just what is available in any park or any open space for that matter. I have been using these types of workouts in Strong Healthy Woman outdoor boot camp for the past 6 years and  I can to attest that the benefits are not to be matched in any gym, studio, or class.

Like most people in the NYC area, you spend most of your day indoors. You start in a cramped apartment, commute in a tiny car or packed subway, then finish off the rest of the day in a dank tiny air conditioned office.

GET OUTSIDE and use what mother nature and the nice people in the parks department have provided for us!

Flat Stomach Secret (shhhh)

In this video I reveal the exact formula to getting rid of the unwanted flab on your stomach. (It IS and it ISN’T what you think.)

(Don’t forget to follow up with our sexy  arms, and legs video!

Laura Miranda’s 3 IN, 3 OUT Formula:
3 Sets, 3 Exercises, 30 Second Each

  • Foot Tapping Planks
  • Reverse Crunches
  • Side Plank with Leg Lift

Abs start to show themselves when you peel back the layers of fat that are covering them.  This “peel back” happens when you burn tons of calories with effective, kick ass workouts combined with a tweak  in your diet that creates  deficit in calories in vs calories out. Sounds simple? It is!

If you are stuck not making any progress in your weight loss routine OR you just need a kick start, then it’s time to come up with a serious plan and take massive action.

I want to help. Call me (646.454.0777) and I will set you up with a kick ass trainer on my team that will get you on the road to change… GUARANTEED. Yes, double your money back if you don’t lose weight. Yea I said it! I would put that in the contract unless I believed in my methods and my program.

Laura Miranda MSPT, CSCS

How to Get: Toned, Sexy, Summer-Arms (Video)


Slip out of the sweater! Throw those thermals to the back of the closet! Hell, go topless if you really want to…summer is here! Ok, fine, it’s still only April but 87 degrees and humid sure says tank-top flip-flop to me.

If you’re like most of us, the long cold winter has been “all brunch” and no crunch. Let’s face it, sometimes there really is NO motivation to look hot, toned and sexy when you’re always covered in 3 layers and a winter jacket.

Well lady, it’s time once again to re-reveal those flaps/chicken wings/school teacher arms. If this has snuck up on you faster than TAX DAY (today BTW), then watch Strong-Healthy-Woman’s HOT 4 EXERCISES to go flab to fab in no time.

WARNING: It’s my TOP SECRET method of combining the exercises that allows you to spend less time in the gym and more time on the beach showing off.   (This technique has been proven massively effective for the hot ladies in all 5 of my boot camps.)


DISCLAIMER: Since there is no way to SPOT REDUCE FAT, meaning that doing crunches won’t make  abs flatter, leg lifts wont make saddle bags disappear, 1000’s of repetitions of the above exercises WON’T make your arms magically take up less space in your shirt.

The actual arm exercises are just a small piece of the puzzle. In order to drop the pesky fat  that lies atop your sleek muscle, YOU MUST FOLLOW THESE RULES. (SUCK ON THAT, “Shake Weight”)

1) Perform targeted strengthening exercises in conjunction with:
2) Heart-pounding cardio vascular activity  varied 3 or more days a week. (Sorry, READING a mag while doing the elliptical DOES NOT COUNT!)
3) Clean up your diet by adding in foods that are unprocessed and unpacked; consume lean meats and tons of fruits and veggies. Eliminate fast-food on-the-go bars/shakes, juice & soda, and MOST IMPORTANTLY control those portion sizes.

Whether you’re a bride-to-be in my bridal boot camp who’s in need of sexy “dress arms” OR, you’re just like  ANY OTHER woman on earth who wants to wear a tank this summer without embarrassment, then consider the above 3 tips your new bible. Live them, love them – word for word!

WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE ARM EXERCISES? Leave me a comment and let me know!

Your Chief Body Transformation Expert,

Laura Miranda MsPT, CSCS

The Uncomfortable Workout (and why you need it)

Can someone say Uncomfortable...Are you comfortable at the gym? Can you carry on a full conversation while doing cardio? Do you barely break a sweat? Do you do the same 3 sets of 10 on the same cybex machines with the same comfortable padded seats?

Over my 10 year history as a trainer, I have seen waaaaay too many people just glide though their workouts and deprive themselves of the results they are after.  Alas,  I am here to show you the way! Check out my  5 fast workout tricks that will get you looking HOT and add insane intensity to an otherwise mundane workout routine.

get uncomfy to get a hot bodWhether you are a daily gym rat or a once a week-er, we all can afford to maximize the time spent amongst the metal and machines.  Getting more bang for your buck withe these 5 workout tricks can be the difference between a long drawn out hour and a half and a sick-ass 45 minute body wrecking workout.

By using the tips below you will not only have to spend LESS TIME in the gym, you will get MORE out of the time you spend which will get you to your goals that much faster.Wooo hoooo!


Top 5 Ways to Make your Workout Uncomfortable
(and therefore more effective)

1)      “Move Your Body like a Snake, Ma”

rotationIn life we very rarely move in a linear fashion – we twist, rotate and swivel our bodies to get things done. Even more rarely do we move one single joint at a time.  You need a wake up call if you are still spending all of your time training one body part at a time on a fixed-motion weight machine where you can sit comfortably and let the padded seat support you. Get the HELL OFF THE MACHINE and pick up a weighted medicine ball. This way you’ll make your legs support you as you work 5 -10 different muscle groups at ONCE while  training a “pattern of motion,” instead of a single body part.

TRY THIS: Rotational Chop  – Grab a medicine ball or a 10 lb dumbbell. Put the ball/weight over your head and to the right.  Lunge out with your left foot forward, with straight arms “chop” the ball (as if you have an axe and you are chopping a piece of wood) across your body and to the outside of that front knee. Your chest arms and shoulders should all be rotated to the left. Pause, and then return up to starting position.


Pause at the bottom of the motionWAY too often I see gym goers  RUSHING through their workout.  I call them the “see saw” lifters. You’ve seen them too I am sure.  The dumbbells fly up, down, up, down with lightening speed causing comfort and ease (and a breeze) to the guy who is working his EGO more than his bi’s with the 45 lb dumbbells. (Easy tough guy, you ought to be using half that weight.)

TRY THIS: At the hardest portion of each rep (top or bottom of the motion, depending on the exercise) – hold for a full 5 seconds. Squats: with the bar on your back, slowly lower yourself down into the seated squat position and hold here for 5 seconds,  then return to the standing position. You will COOK your quads/glutes with HALF the reps and time that it would normally take. (You’ll think of me for the next 2 days each time you get out of a chair or go down the steps. You’re welcome.)

3)   Go for Time!

You’ve all followed the guidelines of 3 sets of 10 or even 3 sets of 8.  But they are just that –  guidelines. Even if you are looking to build massive size – the key to success is to constantly vary your routine in order to shock your body. Shock the muscles by taking them out of their normal routine. (Ever carry a heavy box a few blocks from the subway and feel the soreness effects for a day or 2? THIS is your body  being “shocked” by the different stimulus of prolonged work.      Mimic this in your workout to get the most out of your next set.

TRY THIS: Do the bench press for 3 sets of 1 minute instead of only 10 reps.  Tip-  either start out with a lighter weight or be prepared to drop the weights down as the minute  goes on.

4)      Use the Treadmill for More Than the Warm-Up.

colbert_treadmillA nice comfortable TROT, a “canter” if you will on a moving surface will only challenge you if you dare to keep cranking up the speed or the incline.  The little ole treadmill actually contains a high degree of  “uncomfortable potential” that can be used in the middle of the workout, and not just as a warm up.  This crazy method is virtually UNTAPPED by most gym goers. You see, the faster your heart is pumping, the more overall work your body will be doing (ie more calories burned)  in the same amount of time.  Cardio and Weights do not have to be mutually exclusive.

TRY THIS: Traps, Tris, Treadmill. Group 2 weight exercises together, alternate a set of each to fatigue then drop the weights and hop on the treadmill. SPRINT for 1.5 minutes. Hop off then do a second set of each of the 2 exercises (to fatigue), then SPRINT on the treadmill for another 1.5 minutes.  Repeat all 3 for one more set.

5)            You Can Rest When You’re Deadrest area

Is this you: do a set on the chest press, read a quick article in your magazine. Walk over to get a drink, chat with the cute guy at the water fountain, do set # 2 on the chest press. Check out the cutie that just walked in, give cutie your number, get another drink, do set # 3. COMFY COMFY COMFY!! (AKA:  waste of time, waste of time, waste of time!)

TRY THIS:Plan your workout by grouping 3 exercises together, for instance Push Ups with Feet on the Physio Ball, Tricep Overhead dumbbell extensions on one leg, Reverse Ab Crunches. Alternate a set of each while taking little to NO REST IN BETWEEN each set. This means that as soon as you do your last push up you’ve already got your hands on the dumbbells for the next exercise. This way your heart will be pounding, your muscles will be aching — you will officially be UNCOMFORTABLE! Well done.

Laura Miranda MsPT, CSCS

 So the next time you are bored in the gym or just sick and tired of getting no where with the same old workout , try numbers 1 -5 for a little spice that gives a powerful punch to an otherwise static workout. These methods are all employed in the workouts at my Strong Healthy Woman Boot Camp in NYC and LI (but shhh, don’t give away any of my secrets; I like to keep the ladies guessing!)