Tag Archives: flat stomach

Flat Stomach Secret (shhhh)

In this video I reveal the exact formula to getting rid of the unwanted flab on your stomach. (It IS and it ISN’T what you think.)

(Don’t forget to follow up with our sexy  arms, and legs video!

Laura Miranda’s 3 IN, 3 OUT Formula:
3 Sets, 3 Exercises, 30 Second Each

  • Foot Tapping Planks
  • Reverse Crunches
  • Side Plank with Leg Lift

Abs start to show themselves when you peel back the layers of fat that are covering them.  This “peel back” happens when you burn tons of calories with effective, kick ass workouts combined with a tweak  in your diet that creates  deficit in calories in vs calories out. Sounds simple? It is!

If you are stuck not making any progress in your weight loss routine OR you just need a kick start, then it’s time to come up with a serious plan and take massive action.

I want to help. Call me (646.454.0777) and I will set you up with a kick ass trainer on my team that will get you on the road to change… GUARANTEED. Yes, double your money back if you don’t lose weight. Yea I said it! I would put that in the contract unless I believed in my methods and my program.

Laura Miranda MSPT, CSCS

The Thanksgiving flat stomach manifesto

5 ways to avoid holiday food hangover REGRET!

Turkey day is a full-fledged eating holiday, yahoooo! My good friend & nutritionist to the hot bodies of  NYC, Rebecca Sedek, notes that the average American consumes a day and a half’s worth of calories in 1 Thanksgiving meal!

Follow these 5 closely guarded industry secrets of the lean, fit and happy and you will come out of Thanksgiving slimmer than when you went in:

1) Bring your own healthy dish
If you are going into a traditional family eating environment that thinks “being good” means only using 1.5 sticks of butter instead of 2  then you must take matters into your own hands. Whip up a nutrient dense, high fiber, guilt free entrée and bring it with you to the party. Take small portions of the other stuff as to not cause a family feud, then follow #3 like it’s the holy grail.

2) Plan your workout for Thursday morning TODAY
Creating a calorie deficit with a heart pumping workout kicks off your good habits early in the day (therefore making you less likely to overeat later), reduces the impact of the meal you are about to consume, and gets you out of the kitchen for a bit! Get in and out of the gym quickly & efficiently with a high intensity routine, little rest in between sets  and a kick a$$ playlist!

3) Fill up your plate (and your stomach) FIRST w/ veggies.
Eating mostly  veggies will give you more bang for your buck tomorrow. Because they are low in calories and packed with fiber and nutrients, you can consume double the roughage for half of the impact. (More food –> Less bloat  –> Flatter stomach –> Happier Lady.)

4) Be active AFTER dinner
Decide BEFORE you eat that you will go on at least a 20 minute walk with the family after dinner. Moving your body after a meal will help speed up digestion, aid in preventing that pie from being stored as fat, and helps keep your mood elevated for all of the family fun to come!

5) Give away unhealthy left-overs
Thanksgiving is 1 holiDAY; it should not last 5 days. After your meal, give away all left-overs (besides the veggies of course) to family, friends, or the mailman. Clearing out the bad will allow you to jump right back on the horse Friday morning. (Out of sight + Out of mind = Out of your stomach.)

Go in with a plan, not an afterthought. NEVER leave healthy eating and exercise decisions up to will power when you are overly stuffed, vulnerable, possibly drunk, and jonesing for something sweet!

Good luck tomorrow and Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Look out for our blog post on Friday for an INSANE BLACK FRIDAY SALE! The last outdoor Boot Camp of 2010 in NYC & Long Island starts Monday 5:30am!

AB Workout for Garbage Men

(Why Ab Gadgets & Gizmos are taking over the streets of NYC)

I just finished a sick run & leg workout on the Brooklyn Bridge.  As I was cutting through a side street in Tribeca, NYC I happened upon a true example of  the state of RIDICULOUS  TV gimmicks and tom foolery:

Looks like the latest CONSUMER SCAM was left out where it belongs…with the trash! Ladies, for the last and final time: doing ab exercises DO NOT, WILL NOT, NEVER HAS & NEVER WILL burn fat off of your stomach!

QUICK TIP: Save time and boost insane amounts of energy by engaging in full body exercise that blast away as many calories at 1 time as possible!   Why “bend at the waist” 20 times and  barely break a sweat when you can crank up your heart rate, burn your thighs/butt/shoulders AND love handles all WITH ONE TOTAL BODY MOVE  ??

If you haven’t yet gotten the memo, these days it’s about working out  smarter, not harder. If you are still training one body part at a time, PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO on how to string together Upper Body fat blasting moves and Lower Body fat blasting moves!

Enjoy ladies!